• Question: why do most scientist like pizza

    Asked by anon-221231 on 26 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Rebecca Moon

      Rebecca Moon answered on 26 Jun 2019:

      I think most people like pizza. It would be an interesting study to determine whether more scientists than say policeman or teachers like pizza! What do you think?

    • Photo: Nina Rzechorzek

      Nina Rzechorzek answered on 26 Jun 2019:

      I like every part of a pizza (the bread, the cheese, the tomato sauce) – just not all together at the same time! I must be an anomalous result. I think this has something to do with not liking soggy bread…. 🙂

    • Photo: Marianne King

      Marianne King answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      Because pizza is the king of foods! It seems to be quite universally liked, so I’m not sure if this is something specific to scientists. 🙂

    • Photo: James Streetley

      James Streetley answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      Definitely a summer research project for someone; to find out whether scientists like pizza more than other professions do! But there is a running theme in departments and science salespeople providing free food/pizza to persuade scientists – particularly students – to turn up for meetings they might otherwise skip. It’s a recurring theme in this comic strip about doing a PhD: http://phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=39

    • Photo: David Wilson

      David Wilson answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      It’s pretty convenient, you don’t need a knife, fork, spoon or plate to eat it!

    • Photo: Matthew Bareford

      Matthew Bareford answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      It’s great food when your on the go, in the middle of studying/experimenting. It can be cooked quickly, doesn’t need any knives/forks to eat and can also be eaten hot/cold and transported around…

      Most people like it and scientists will also like it because its so convenient (and tastes awesome!)

    • Photo: Shobhana Nagraj

      Shobhana Nagraj answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      It is easy to make/buy, really tasty and can be eaten while we are reading/writing – so I think it is mainly to do with taste + convenience! 🙂

    • Photo: Thiloka Ratnaike

      Thiloka Ratnaike answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      Definitely to do with convenience! I also like the social-ness of it as a food- made for sharing, eating while standing/sitting…its a good conversation starter too!

    • Photo: Deepak Chandrasekharan

      Deepak Chandrasekharan answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      It’s tasty, easy to share out, and can have loads of flavours! Plus for mathematicians it’s a bit like a pie chart with fractions of slices!

    • Photo: Matthew Burgess

      Matthew Burgess answered on 27 Jun 2019:

      Nina needs to try better pizza!
      I used to not like it but that was because it was rubbish English pizza.
